
China Beijing Equity Exchange (CBEX)

Established in February 2004, China Beijing Equity Exchange (CBEX) is a comprehensive equity trading institution approved by Beijing Municipal People’s Government. Undergoing continuous development, CBEX has been gradually positioned as “a core backbone in the factor market”, “a market-oriented instrument for economic management by the Government” and “a transparent platform for system-based corruption prevention”

Since its inception, CBEX has always been holding firm to “standardization” and “innovation” and following the principles of “openness, fairness and impartiality”. Vigorously assisting in floor trading of Centrally-Administered SOEs(state-owned enterprises), local SOEs and public assets, CBEX boasts full-fledged business lines, such as the transfer of state-owned equities between enterprises, capital increase and share expansion of state-owned enterprises, asset transfer of state-owned enterprises and administrative institutions, housing leasing of state-owned enterprises, disposal of litigation-related assets and other types of public resource transactions. CBEX plays an important role in preserving and increasing the value of state-owned assets, assisting in mixed ownership reforms of state-owned enterprises and pushing forward the development of strategic emerging industries. Moreover, CBEX steadily renders such services as transactions of non-state-owned equities, mergers and acquisitions of listed companies, transactions of sports and cultural tourism resources and transactions of creditors’ assets, thereby strongly advancing the high-quality development of the real economy.

Committed to the construction of Beijing factor market system, CBEX establishes a group-level operation architecture through the establishment of professional trading platforms (such as China Technology Exchange, Beijing Financial Assets Exchange ,China Beijing Green Exchange, Beijing Software and Information Services Exchange and supporting service institutions (such as Beijing Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd). CBEX has expanded its business coverage to technologies, financial products, environmental rights and interests, green finance and other fields. A complete range of factor trading varieties are in full swing. CBEX is an important player to help governmental authorities manage the economy, promote the construction of ecological civilization, build Beijing into a national-level science and technology innovation center, and achieve coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, among others.

The trading scale of CBEX has continuously skyrocketed from over RMB 20 billion in early stages, to consecutively RMB 10 trillion during 2021-2022. CBEX has become the central market and leading institution of the Chinese factor trading market.
